- Chapter 1 -

The Wright Little Tea 


In an old market square, stood a curious little stand.
Standing out from the rest which were huddled around;
Rimmed with brocade and cloth, which trailed to the ground;
bright new wares made passers-by stare;
while stallholders haggled and bartered with the crowd.

Amongst this great racket and chaotic commotion,
were our three most unlikely of heroes.
Local storekeepers. Natives of the poor little town.
A Cobbler - Brave but naive;
A Tinker - stubborn yet easy to mislead;
And finally - honest, to the point of haughtiness,
The Wright little tea maker - who, deep down in his heart, 
wanted to be famous just like the heroes from his Grandfather’s tales.
He sought fame as the best tea purveyor.
In the hope of becoming world-renowned.

Yet his pride, combined with his desires often led him to misadventure.
No matter his best-laid plans and honest intentions.
Let’s see what will happen to our three most unlikely adventurers…

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